Lads I've got a question. Can cycling really cause erectile dysfunction, low sperm count, and prostate cancer?
I've cycled for years, not hugely seriously but I do cycle for transport, and I've mostly been fine - yeah I've had some numbness on long rides but I usually just get out of the saddle for a bit and it feels much better. And I make sure my weight is going on my sit bones instead of my gooch and it's usually fine.
But I found some studies online saying that saddles, particularly the noses of saddles, can put pressure on the gooch anyway, and cause problems like ED, low sperm count / quality, and possibly prostate cancer in over 50s (I'm in my 20s but still, it's a bad sign).
Anyway, some US federal agency did some research, and they concluded that no-nose saddles are the best way to go, and can relieve pressure on your gooch: maybe I should get a noseless saddle? Pic related seems relatively affordable. Do you guys reckon it's necessary?