I like to read, but somehow I haven't come across many /n/-related books I like enough to recommend. I'm looking forward to reading Road to Valor soon, I've heard good things about it.
>BikesBicycling Science by David Wilson
-Great primer on the physics and physiology that explain how bicycles function and are ridden. Also includes some general background on the development of bicycles and other HPVs. Worth reading for any mechanic or rider who wants to really understand why things work the way they do. Only thing this book lacks is a comprehensive section on suspension, hopefully that will be included in the 4th edition.
-Bicycle Quarterly (Magazine)
Really good writing, great photographs, interesting topics. Highly recommend if you're interested in randonneuring -type bikes, the history of European cycling, and technical reviews of products currently on the market.
-The Dancing Chain by Frank Berto
Actually I don't recommend this one, I'm mentioning it here to save you the trouble of tracking down a copy and being disappointed. An excellent book when it was published, this has since been superceded by material available on the internet.
>Cities- The Geography of Nowhere by James Howard Kunstler
This is a delightful book about urbanism and planning - it has its flaws, but being dry is not one of them. Kunstler is a passionate author and if you've not encountered his work before it will open your eyes to a new way of looking at the world.
http://usa.streetsblog.org/ A collection of many blogs, and every weekday morning they publish a collection of links of articles and stories from around the web that touch on transportation, mass transit, planning, and urbanism in general.