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No.1008596 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Half advice thread, half shitty blog post

Hey /n/. I'm 26, and today I learned how to ride a bike. I never had one as a kid and always wanted one. Had been thinking about it the last couple of years, but never had any free time until recently

So on monday of last week, someone had parked a pretty old, pretty shitty bike behind our dumpster and it's just sat there. A magna excitor, something you'd find at walmart. Well yesterday I figured they were just trying to throw it away, so no harm in taking it home

I've never been on a bike before and it was a pretty awkward experience. Wasn't sure how to properly sit, how to start, well, -going-, nor how to balance. Fell over after a few feet for like thirty minutes. Then it just...clicked. Managed a good thirty yards before I had to clumsily stop, not having a handle on turning the bike at all. But it felt really good. And so after another hour I could cycle about my backyard, sitting or standing, without crashing for the most part. And I'm absurdly thrilled

So I bought a bike. A decent one (I think?). After a bit of research, I settled on an Airborne Guardian. I live in north GA and there are a lot of trails around here so I figured a mountain bike would be best, and it's a hardtail which I heard is alright for road use? I could be totally wrong, I know nothing about bikes so please correct me if I'm wrong. Would you say it was a decent pick for someone's first bike?

Also I bought it stock, and I don't have any tools, or lube or grease or anything. Is there stuff I should have before it gets here for when I put it together/before I take it out? Anything I should research about basic maintenance and such? I'd really appreciate any advice. I'm super excited