>>1024046>Would you mind posting your routine.Sure, but keep in mind that I train specifically for cycling, I'm not a bodybuilder, or powerlifter, or training for 'aesthetics'.
Hard to do since it varies so much over the course of the Fall and Winter, and then different again during the Spring and Summer, and during Peak and Race weeks I may do nothing in the gym at all, and make that 1 day a week a total rest day.
Here's the core exercises though. Again, depending on the time of year, I may not do all of them:
Step-ups (done with hand weights or a barbell)
4-way hip stabilizers (done with a low cable and an ankle strap)
Seated rows
Lat pulldowns
Leg press (on 45 degree sled)
Standing rows
Shoulder press
Leg curls (mostly because it's a personal weakness due to sciatica problems with my left leg)
Leg extension
Seated calf raises
Situps-with-a-twist on a decline bench (or other 'core' exercises, as I see fit to do them)
All the above are a combination of things from 'Base Building for Cyclists' and CTB.
Before you say it, 'no', I don't do squats. I know all about how beneficial they are, and I know how to do them with proper form, and I have more than adequate flexibility to do them ass-to-grass, but my thoracic spine is curved outwards too much, so no matter if I do high bar or low bar, as the weight increases beyond a certain point, it rests on my spine, is painful, and would end up injuring me. Also it's much easier to get injured in general doing squats, so I see no reason to risk it. Someone might also say 'do front squats', but I just can't see myself with 2.5 times my bodyweight in front of me, doing sets of squats. Leg press plus other things have proven to be more than adequate.