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No.1016839 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm obsessed with license plates. I think it's kinda autistic. Like, all license plates. If I'm in a place that isn't my home for an extended period of time, I'll still be super excited by seeing plates of this "exotic" place every day.

Even in my hometown, I'll see plates for the surrounding states and I'll get excited. The design of the plate, the implications it gives with the location of the person driving the car, etc... I saw a Mexican plate in my hometown once and was excited about it all day.

I also collected as many of the Christmas snapchat filters as a I could last Christmas, just to have and see them all. It was... interesting.

Anyway, anyone else share my obsession? inb4 no autist go away.

also, favorite license plates thread. Pic rel is one of mine, probably not my fav tho.