>>1053281>Dont ride in the middle of the fucking road when you can also ride on the edge of it. You are causing frustrations.You come from a country that accepts cycling as a viable means of transportation. But if you look closely at most of the videos posted here, the cyclists are all what we call "lycra fags". They use the road for competition, not transportation. And pulling over, slowing down, not running stop signs and red lights is anathema to getting good lap times.
Technically any kind of unpermitted competitive events on public roads is illegal. And not just because motor vehicles at high speeds are dangerous. Even time-speed-distance rallys aimed at navigating a course at the legal speed limit are prohibited. Because putting any driver on the road who's primary goal is NOT to drive safely in reaching a destination, time or course be damned, is dangerous. And the same laws that apply to cars apply to bicycles. All of these people doing hill climbs where they can't be bothered to stop for a few minutes and let traffic go by should be ticketed just like the people driving ricers who think public roads are some sort of performance challenge.