It doesn't have to be a city, it can be a small town or suburb, although the larger the better, and any where in the world (although western is preferred, I'm curious to see them anywhere really). It just has to be a place with a well-funded transit system, where people don't throw a shit fit (or if they do nothing happens and everyone just ignores them) every time there's a new project or a bus wants to run down their street, and politicians don't drag it out forever. The place should (ideally) also not waste money on retarded projects that serve no purpose or would better be spent elsewhere (although this is highly subjective so don't lean on this too much), or just generally do retarded shit (like spending way too much on a project, handing over the system to a private operator which just made things worse). Ideally ideally, the place wouldn't cut corners, for instance, building a metro system with medium capacity cars, or not putting a tram in a dedicated ROW. Also, if the place is just an individual city, then it should get most of its funding from the city, so that the county or province doesn't hold it back (unless they support it too).
Since there's a lot of optional criteria I guess just post which one you thinks checks off most of them.