>>1067752When will you realize that automobiles are not the only form of transportation?
When will you realize that most people own cars and own bikes (I have a pickup truck, a motorcycle, and TWO bikes, soon to be THREE bikes)?
When will you realize that the time you spend posting pointless troll threads could be spend doing something actually beneficial to your life in the long-term, and that you're wasting the resources of one of the few truly anonymous forums for discussion that exists on the Internet?
..and finally:
When will you realize that the 'reactions' that you imagine people have to silly threads like this one, are not even close to reality? You think you're having some sort of huge impact on people's moods, getting them all riled up and angry, when in fact it's extremely rare that anyone actually gets angry at something as inconsequential as this? Think about it: You're some totally anonymous person that no one will ever meet, and are really just words on a screen with a picture; some computer code could do what you're doing based on an algorithm, no human being required. What makes you think anything you're saying or doing here is so important that anyone would bother to be bothered by it? We're not. At most we shake our heads sadly for a moment, thinking "Wow, people on the Internet can say such dumb things", and move on to something else.
Perhaps you should consider all this carefully and think about using your apparently abundant free time to do something more productive and positive, more to your personal benefit? Think about it.