[75 / 3 / ?]
Quoted By: >>1076728 >>1076745 >>1076755 >>1076757 >>1076769 >>1076806 >>1076883 >>1077204 >>1077244 >>1077362 >>1079400 >>1084225
>be riding on cycle paths/MUPs
>riding ~20mph, twice as fast as all the casuals
>the ones riding with friends are all annoying cunts and ride side by side taking up almost the entire trail
>every time I pass them, I don't announce my pass or slow down or anything, I just pass them at 2x their speed on the narrow margin on their left side where there's barely room
>they often freak out (due to being startled/surprised), sometimes even scream
>occasionally get mad at me for not announcing my pass
>tfw just waiting for someone to get startled badly enough that it will cause them to crash
>tfw I'll lol more than I have ever lol'd in my life
Who else feels these feels?
>inb4 butthurt slowfags get mad at me
>riding ~20mph, twice as fast as all the casuals
>the ones riding with friends are all annoying cunts and ride side by side taking up almost the entire trail
>every time I pass them, I don't announce my pass or slow down or anything, I just pass them at 2x their speed on the narrow margin on their left side where there's barely room
>they often freak out (due to being startled/surprised), sometimes even scream
>occasionally get mad at me for not announcing my pass
>tfw just waiting for someone to get startled badly enough that it will cause them to crash
>tfw I'll lol more than I have ever lol'd in my life
Who else feels these feels?
>inb4 butthurt slowfags get mad at me