>>1093951yeah this is the issue. most people who are starting racing because their discs are legal probably havent been cycling for very long.
thus entry level bikes will be pretty common, equipped with a lot of those cable/hydro combo deathtraps, and most rich old fuckers who have just dropped 15k on a dogma disc arent experienced enough to use the braking power they have effectively.
so what you will end up with is in lower grades having a mix of people who cant really stop too well due to their shit brakes, and people who slam their brakes on at every shift in the bunch.
Thats mostly a C-D grade problem, but even in B grade now you will end up with a bunch of hubbards who have been riding with their matres for a while and with reasonable riding fitness, but no real bunch racing skills due to not being allowed to race on their disc machine. add to that the usual deluge of athletes who make it to B grade on fitness alone and the usual shit bunch etiquette in B grade racing and you're fucked.
the only solution now really is to just be good enough to ride A where people know how to ride a bike.