>>1099542Post your peer-reviewed,objective, unbiased, not paid for by Google or auto manufacturer studies, then.
Oh and by the way IDGAF because more than 50% of everyone say they won't trust these and they're right not to. I'd sooner walk.
>>1099543>low speed city environmentsSo what? If it can't handle 100% of all situations that come up driving then it's useless and you're stupid to trust your life to it. I'd rather WALK than ride in one of these deathtraps. Habib from the middle east driving a cab is more trustworthy.
None of you are really living in reality. When you're faced with strapping yourself into a box on wheels with no way to control it whatsoever, you'll shit yourself in fear because you will have NO CONTROL over your fate. Humans can't and won't deal with that emotionally and there's no reason they should have to.
The PROPER role of this technology is as a HELPER to human drivers. Prevent collisions? Prevent you from going off the road if you fall asleep at the wheel? Sure. Control your destiny and your life? Hell, no. That's just stupid.
>>1099548Nobody gives a fuck about something that follows a TRACK. What's next, you going to say:
>you trust elevators it's the same thingIt's basically the same argument. Apples and hand grenades. Not even close.
Again: None of you 'self driving car' people really understand what it is you're advocating. Either that or you've all been so thoroughly indoctrinated into believing that you're supposed to be controlled by someone else 24/7/365 that you're now too much of a KEK to even THINK about taking control of your own lives. If so then enjoy being CATTLE because that's about what you are.