>>1107675The Acela Express isn't bad for what it is, and the giant US loading gauge coaches that tilt actively like a monstrous Pendolino are comfy AF. Huge windows, massive seats, glass-smooth ride, they're pretty fantastic pieces of hardware, desu.
It's just sad that you're only ever doing >150mph on it for less than a hundred miles, interrupted by a station in the middle. The CT shoreline is beautiful, but that state and it's people could be nuked off the face of the planet for all I care because of their NIMBYs and their statewide inferiority complex stepping into ruin any/every attempt that Amtrak has made to build a new, straight ROW through it to get the Boston-NYC Acela service's average speed above 65mph.
I have my fingers crossed though that Amtrak will choose to purchase a similar tilting derivative of the Acela coaches for when they replace the AmFleets, so that they can pair them with the new 125mph diesels from Siemens to infill high speed service to the rest of the NEC feeder lines using a steroidal, tilting American equivalent of the HST 125 trainsets.