Furthermore, realizing that whenever I had free time at work at my healthcare job, I found myself driving (EMS FTW) to pier nearest the airport so I could pull up flightradar and look for rare types, carriers, and liveries, was the thing that finally lit a fire under my ass to scrap my med school applications and begin the long road to my ATP instead.
I couldn't be happier with my decision.
That said, I'm halfway convinced that the thing that kept me and my now-fiancee together early on was that her room in college overlooked the local commuter rail line and so whenever I was in her bed I could just poke my head up to track the loco type and consist it was attached to the moment I first heard the rumble of the 645 in the distance.
I'll never forget the first time I caught an MP36, completely unexpected, as I had no idea they'd acquired a pair more or less on a whim.