>>1111270>Is going to ride a WHOLE FOUR MILES today>"Roadies are faggs", he saysLOL you children, playing in the dirt, on your bikes with the clownishly-large tires, utterly ridiculous. You don't even have the self-respect to ride a cyclocross bike, you have to ride something that's as much of an overgrown childs' bike as you're an overgrown child yourself. Meanwhile us road riders are out on a typical ride *climbing* 4 miles *vertically* over a *hundred* mile ride, and think nothing of it, just a typical day in the saddle. I can't be bothered to go play in the dirt like an infant, but if I did I know for a fact that nothing on your pathetic little 4 mile ride would even see me breathing hard. In fact on any climb on that route, I'd probably climb more than once, waiting for your weak skinnyfat self to huff-and-puff your way up it in a 20 tooth chainring and a 30 tooth cog.