>>1120851Here's the problem, quite often, when I'm coming up to a cross where the car should have right of way and all the time in the world to pass ahead of me, I won't shift down, I'll just coast and continue through. When dipshits don't take their turn, I assume they're fucking around and have to stop, if this happens too quick, now I'm stopped in a high gear.
I don't want to go because there's no way for me to know this sis what the driver is actually doing. (Especially when motorists rarley use signals, and only ever around other motorists, not cyclists.)
I cannot tell you how many times in my life that the exact moment I decided 'Fuck it, I'll go' is the exact moment the manchild motorist gets tired of waiting and we nearly meet in the middle.
The most dangerous thing you can be in traffic is unpredictable.
Unless you're really helping me out, like I can't get across a busy crossstreet or something, just take your turn.