>>1131743my solution:
Map all non restricted passageways and name them, then paint the walls there white and add lighting. At the same time, put away the eletric lines and water supply away and dig some water drainage (i heat it got flooded frequently)
Set a taskforce to find out about immediate structural danger so it can be remedied or fixed, or demolished
Buy one building near the center and make a fifteen floor complex for government affairs (police station, a clinic, a small firestation, etc)
Add four elevator spots across the city
Buy some of the rooftops of structurally sound buildings and make plazas for good health but most importantly use them as a means of transportation, as above ground roads, and build some elevators distribuited around the complex that go from the bottom only to the top of the buildings so people don't have to go up or down 15 floors (now people only need to walk 7 floors)
Then make a long term plan of demolishing and replacing the worst of the constructions
see i fixed it boys. infrastructure, lighting, services and some livability
Also i was thinking of maybe opening a few more plazas by clearing down buildings but that'd just defeat the porpouse
>>1131762i think the triads didn't have as much presence after mid 80's, since demolition was already being planned and they had been regularly conductiong raids