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Bike theft stories, lads. I live in Yurop’, so sandniggers are a bit of a problem if you want to leave your bike anywhere. >cycle to gym >leave cycle on nice, lit, crowded rack >come back >night time, only bike left is mine >come closer and see a wrench, wheel bolts partially unscrewed Holy shit, I just interrupted some bike thieves. >see sandniggers hanging out in the distance, eyeballing me >check everything is ok >screw wheel bolts back on >take the wrench with me >book it >all good, strolling home thinking I’ll have a cool story to tell >see sandniggers following me on shitty bicycles (way too small for them) >they’re wearing hoodies and failing at being stealthy >would rather they didn’t know where I leave, so I try to lose them >they start yelling “Drop the wrench.” “Drop the wrench or we’ll cut you.” >fuckit.png >they’re actually faster than I expected >slip on pedals, lose speed >they catch up, one of them bumps into me, hits me with a baton-like object >idiot hit the helmet so I ride on >stop by a place with lights and people, robbers go away >wait a couple of minutes and just carefully ride home. I brought my bike and gear indoors and considered my options. I went to the police the next day. I don’t expect pigs to be able to do anything, but the fuckers could be back and I’d rather have a record of what happened. I handed in the wrench; I didn’t really need it, it was rusty and scratched up to hell; not worth fighting over really, unless you’re a sandnigger. So this was the story of how I ruined some bike robber’s night: they expected to be able to strip my bike but lost a tool and wasted time following someone home over nothing. Haven’t seen them again. Will be stepping up my bike security with an extra cable, anti-theft bolts, maybe an alarm, tracker or something. Ideas?
BaconRider !yuA7eZE8l2
>>1130606 >>they catch up, one of them bumps into me, hits me with a baton-like object >idiot hit the helmet so I ride on ,,,,,
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>>1130621 but there's no gunz in order not to offend the religion of peace
>>1130606 >he got outpaced by sandnogs on tiny bikes holy shit, just drop them up a hill or something
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>>1130632 This, but also, U-LOCK in a holster dude.
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>>1130606 >Ideas? wrap your bars with bacon
Fucking scum. My friend had a bike stolen. Ive had work tools stolen. Its the worst feeling man. All I can say is invest in a cheap beater bike with zero sentimental value, and fasten some faux lugs over the actual lugs. And then double up on security. I woukd go to a hardware store and get a big ass chain and wrap the chain with electrical tape and then fabric wrap on top. Fuck man I hate thieves so much
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>>1130606 You can tattoo it with a serial number, the police has the database if it's found after being stolen or when sold (a regular description isn't enough considering the total number of stolen bikes.) (The UK have been doing it for a few years now, I'm pretty sure I saw the préfecture de police tweet about it a few months ago.)
>>1130648 Add string under the tape (fish line or floss, idk) it fucks with disk cutters.
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>>1130606 Never had a bike stolen but I prevented 2 from being taken. Summer 1991. Living in a small apartment with a little courtyard in nice part of town. Warm night, was sleeping with a window open.
>1am wake to slight noise. Someone trying to be stealthy & whispering. >peek out window, see white punk about 16-18 yo standing by lamp post looking around. >damn, he's spotting for someone. >I scan around. >Scirocco (teenagers choice of car in those days) with 2 people in it in mall parking lot across street >glass it but no front plate, occupants watching in my direction >continue watching spotter >1 min later hear spotter whisper "okay" >surprised, see movement in darkness below my window in neighbours courtyard. >know there's 2 bikes stored there. Hear bike chains >Decision time: call cops who'll take 20 mins or give punks a lesson? >rather teach. >grab black scary rifle, walk out into hallway and head for exit. >kid sees me coming, starts walking towards me with a friendly smile >woohoo! tactical time! >insert a mag, aim at his head, start walking smoothly towards glass door >he stops, I push door open >HK bitchslap >kids eyes go wide >I shout "RUN!" >no hesitation there. He & his buddy (a pakistani about the same age & wearing garden gloves) book 'er across street & jump in Scirocco and take the fuck off. >smuggrin.jpg I checked yard, Nice.. a set of shiny new bolt cutters, bikes still intact.
Oh... they'll be back. They always do. Take cutters & leave thank-you note. Tried to stay awake.
>3:30am wake to see sillhouette at my window >peek out, fucking kid is back >he hears me & runs away >thank-you note still there. Next morning see neighbours taking their bikes inside. Turns out 1 of 2 chains was cut & they found my note torn to pieces & left under a rock in their yard which puzzled them until I told them what happened. We have good laugh. I guess those kids came back a 3rd time.
In my last apartment complex, I lost my bike because I didn't invest in enough security. Also, everyone on the street could see we had bike storage. Only about 3 of the bikes were worth anything, and mine had the weak four digit combo cable lock. Lost it over the weekend where I didn't ride. Just dissapeared. Of course there was no evidence, probably felt the combination to the lock and left with the lock and all. Didn't help that it wasn't registered with anyone and the agents didn't care enough to get back to me about it when I reported it. Just reported it to the police to bump the crime statistic up. Protip: Always be the bike that's hardest to steal for its value.
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I had a bike stolen when I was a kid in the 'burbs, my brother left the garage door open because he was too busy logging into his stupid BBS to download Counselor Troi gifs I've never had a bike stolen since then and I live in a place that normies associate with bike thefts and bike lock companies name their bike locks after. I guess maybe not leaving my bike outside like some kind of idiot goes some ways in avoiding theft. p.s. thank you Ydanis Rodriguez
>been unemployed for ages, wife is getting desperate >finally get a job sticking up posters >have to have a bicycle to do it >sell half the stuff i have left to buy an OTS >a guy takes it while i'm up a ladder at work >chase him but he gets away >go to the police but they won't help >can't find it on craigslist >luckily i see him in the street one day when i'm with my son >follow him to his house >he hides behind his mom and his family >call the police but they won't do anything >the thief calls me a little bitch >don't get bike back >desperate, gonna lose my job >take someone elses bike on the way home >I get caught and the guy hits me >he sees my son crying and lets me go
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>>1130789 i watched that movie faggot
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>>1130782 >Protip: Always be the bike that's hardest to steal for its value. on campus i actually cruise around a couple rows of bike racks before stopping, looking for something flashy that isn't locked properly, then lock up next to it with a good u-lock
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>>1130606 Shit OP. I anticipate hearing your story about how you get charged for stealing a work tool from those poor immigrants. You racist fuck.
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>>1130606 >idiot hit the helmet so I ride on And people say helmets are useless.