>>1134260Well, what can I tell you, OP? Until the human species gets over this hard-wired selfish caveman drive to make everything into a competition for mating rights, stepping on anyone and everyone else in the process, and instead starts making our priorities lifting each other up out of the muck, and thinking about what's best for everyone far into the future, then that's the way it's going to be.
In other words, eventually there'll have to be no more 'left' or 'right', just 'everyone'. Of course while I'm dreaming about shit that'll likely never happen, we also need, *as a species*, to grow the fuck up and get over these ridiculous superstitious notions of 'god(s)', religion, and so on, because they're all just leveraged into Systems of Control, so that, again, some people can have power over other people to, again, secure mating rights. Also, an end to the false scarcity created by capitalism; development of cheap, ubiquitos power sources (cheap enough to supply people for free), and while I'm verging into uttrer fantasy, energy-to-matter synthesis technology, so everyone can have the basics to sustain their lives, for essentially free. Then when there's no more need for money, things like healthcare can all be done not-for-profit, everyone will be taken care of, and we, *as a species*, can finally move on to things more important, like getting off this planet before we completely exhaust and wreck it.
..but in the meantime, while we're working on all that (LOL, as if you can convince anyone to evolve faster): it would be damned nice if The Rich would stop keeping The Poor in a destitute state as a warning to the Middle Class that they should 'behave', or The Rich will ruin them and make them part of The Poor. And don't believe for a single minute that's not what's going on with your original subject, OP.