>>1139527>post your /n/-related instagram, flickr, twitter.. etc... we can build a communityMy #1 rule of 4chan is "never ever post anything that 4channers can link to my real identity". How dumb do you think we are?
(Better question, how dumb are /you/?)
>>1139550>I'm hoping to interview people about their bikes that I likeIf John Prolly contacted me do an interview, I'd jump at the chance. Jan Heine, totally. Anyone associated with the iBOB mailing list, yes plz. Folks associated with MTBR, Velocipede Salon, Pink Bike... hell, even
RetroBike.co.uk, Weight Weenies, or goddamn r/bikewrench - yeah, I'd chat with them. I'd even give Peter Verdone the time of day.
But if someone with a website prominently linking to 4chan and featuring shitpost memes in the header contacted me, fuck no. No good can come from responding to you. At best, my social media will be mined for meme material and mouthbreathers will make fun of perceived fashion faux pas on my bicycles for months on end. At worst, I’ll get doxxed, my friends will get doxxed, my family will get doxxed, we’ll all get SWAT’d, and my personal website will get LOIC’d into a smoking crater. I ain't touching that shit. No response, mark as spam, go about my day
>Probably could use some official "/n/ guide to rigid mtb" guides/infographics95% of the advice on /n/ is trash and is repeated ad nauseam for meme recognition. It's not actually good advice. There's an occasional insightful response or nugget of common sense, but those are far and away the exception, not the rule. If you're going around calling yourself "Bike Genius", I hope you have a wider base of knowledge than reading /n/ - and if you don't, get out of the fucking house more.
Kiddo, if you want to start a bike blog, go for it. But associating yourself with 4chan is super cringey, and your website gets any sort of real traction you’ll end up regretting it.