https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQXqeWKY2FcThunderf00t is just as big an authoritarian cuck though and he's been virtue signalling to sjw's lately.
>Trump isn't making ANYTHING 'great again', he's FUCKING EVERYTHING UP Lemme guess it's not the system that is the problem?
HAha except for fags like you that think this is a personal problem and probabiltiy an OBama apologists, which i like to call bama drones, TRUMP is doing one thing magically well! And that is eroding trust in the system and centralized authority in general!
Are you going to say now that we should have direct democracy or something equally as stupid? Look at whats happening with the current witchhunts that are condemning men that are totally innocent sometimes. You want to be ruled totally by that scary mob? Voting gives most of the power to the lowest common denominator in a population. You think the opinion that most people agree with is not going to be the most fucking retarded cruel shit ever? Look who voted for Trump holy shit! The literal dumbest people are the ones that are in most agreement in an election.
The good news is that government is going to become less and less relevant and taken seriously as time goes on. It wont be an election that causes the revolution or even a civil war. But simply people not giving a fuck about who claims to be in charge. Cities will do their own thing more and more. Fucking weed is legal in some states even though the feds disagree. And even before weed was officially state legal it was tolerated af in many places like british columbia where people would smoke in public freely.
In the future more things are going to be exactly like weed. Even fucking taxes. People are going to tell the IRS to suck their dicks in the future and they already do, especially the billionaires that collectivists think they'll get their grubby little hands on for wealth redistribution! YEAH RIGHT! Already a cottage industry for avoiding the death tax.