Much as motorists like to bitch about things not being 'fair' and about cyclists breaking the law, it was never a real argument. Most motorists don't even know the laws about it applies to them, least of all cyclists, and hardly ever follow the rules themselves.
They either don't notice, don't care, or don't know that the law is being broken in front of them by other motorists multiple times a day.
If I had just a quarter for every traffic in fraction I personally witness each day, I'd be fucking rich.
Motorists can't even pay attention to three foot fucking arrows painted on the ground. If I didn't expect them to not pay attention, I'd be smashing into someone at this intersection by me each day, where the left lane is for turning left and the right lanes for going straight.
Every day, EVERY day, someone just goes straight in that left lane and ends up in front of me, or sees what's going on last second and just tries to come over right without looking, smashing into me had I been not paying attention, and that's when I'm driving.