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No.1149837 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
hello there, i need help regarding road cycling in aurope (as a turist).

>be from chile, southamerica, have family and friends in europe (none of them really into cycling).
>just bought a plane ticket to go there for 3 months as i haven't taken vacations in a while. may-august.
>im into road racing, got into it recently, just done my first year following a well planed season (based on friel's CTB), got good results (as before that i had been riding hard for a couple years). next training season starts in march. part of a local club.

so as you will guess, i want to road bike in europe, thats why im here asking for advice and tips.

ill just drop some more info,feel free to guide me and tell me ideas as i have never properly cycled outside my country.

-places i will be for a while (family and friends): north of italy(bologna mainly), south of france (marseille-montpellier), holland, denmark(aarhus), maybe germany(berlin-dresden).
- i usually ride 150km during the weekends, another 100km ride during the week + shorter rides depending on training. can climb quite a bit, etc. im used to riding a race road bike, kinda would want to do the same.. i know that means starting and arriving at the sme point. yep touring makes more sense.. but i like going fast/with no stuff.. i could reconsider though.
- i have been in europe before, travelling a lot by train, know that system, but have never been road biking. have never taken a bike in the trains, i bet its doable,but not as simple as just gettting and eurail pass and hopping on trains right?