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Bikes and Trains - /n/ Plays Soccer

No.1157018 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Sup /n/. The 2018 Winter Elite AI vs AI soccer Cup is happening right now. We're sitting on the top of Group A after an opening 3-1 win over a former last 16 team in /f/

Bikes, Trains, Trams, Planes, Skyscrapers, Freds, Cripples and a giant can of Bepsi will take the field representing /n/ in our remaining Pool A games against /x/ and /lgbt/

Here's the schedule

>Sunday 18th - /x/ vs /n/ 5:45pm Britbong, 12:45 EST, 9:45am PST
A team /n/ has never officially played. Get ready for some spooky scary skeletons, also known as Chris Froome, and /x/ will be there too.

>Saturday 24th - /n/ vs /lgbt/ 5:45pm Britbong, 12:45 EST, 9:45am PST
A rematch from the Babby Cup Final from last Spring. /lgbt/ won 2-0 in our deepest cup run to date. Revenge would be sweet if it saw us make the elite last 16 for the first time ever

>What the fuck is this
There's links next post