>>1171627Too many people don't support 'free' anything for the public, because MUH SOCIALISM.
..which is just code for "We don't want NIGGERS and BROWN PEOPLE getting anything for free, we want to see them SUFFER so they'll LEAVE."
It wouldn't matter if we had limitless free energy, and matter compilers that could make anything for essentially no work on anyones part, there would still be a hoarde of people saying "Free equals socialism and that's bad for society", and under their breath muttering about "niggers" and "spics" and "white trash" and so on.
You want to know what will really solve all of humanitys problems, including transportation problems?
The Human Race growing the fuck up already, and getting past this whole "you're different from me so I have to keep you down" bullshit, embracing finally that co-operation is more important that competition.
Our species still acts like animals, just animals with lots of toys they made for themselves. Fundamentally we haven't evolved worth shit over the last 100,000 years, stuck at this "babby stage" where we keep throwing temper tantrums over stupid shit, shitting where we eat, and so on.