>>1172690Honestly not much more than what's being done now:
Northeast: continue with the NEC Vision program and just dump more money into NY area improvements. Tell Massachusetts to connect North and South station already.
Southeast: prod VA, NC, SC and GA into building a proper Southeast Corridor, a thing which is slowly happening through NC's Piedmont improvements. Make plans for formally improving Crescent service all the way through AL into New Orleans.
Midwest: focus on ways to improve connectivity between Chicago, DC and NY. The Capitol Limited and Lakeshore Limited would be made priority corridors, both also happen to go through Ohio. Seriously consider electrifying both, and the Wolverine's route through Michigan.
Chicago: have Illinois construct a proper state rail plan for Chicago, in particular one that adopts the logic behind the Chicago Crossrail proposal. Study ways to run a new CTA subway directly out of Union Station into downtown, under the existing Loop.
California/west coast: drop the $40 billion or so in PRIIA 2008 funds to keep Prop 1A rolling smoothly. Tell Nevada to connect Vegas into it somehow, and begin feasibility studies for connecting the Cascades service to Sacramento.
Trump's largely taking a back seat on this one, at this point all of these projects are state-led due to the past decade of Tea Partyism in the Federal government.