>>1175561See pic related. This is how most people view so-called 'public transportation': people treated like cattle, jammed in with the unwashed masses, having to smell their B.O., farts, breathe in their viruses and bacteria, and worst of all, having to deal with them in your personal space.
Then there's the logistical inconvenience.
>doesn't go where you need it to go>forces you to work your schedule around it, instead of the the other way around>you don't dare take valuables with you>can't carry a weeks' worth of groceries for a family of 4 with you>How do you penetrate this?You don't.
Public transit IS FOR POOR PEOPLE. Plain and simple.
Furthermore: do you really think for a moment that poor people, suddenly finding themselves with a well-paying job, would say "Oh, I can afford A CAR but I think I'll stick with taking the bus"? LOL no, they hate it as much as anyone else does but have the grace to not complain constantly about something they can't change. As soon as they can change it they're off to the CAR DEALERSHIP to get their own PERSONAL transportation.
When are you going to learn?
>People PREFER personal transportationI don't mean bikes either, by the way, so don't trot that out.
It's always been this way all through Human history, and it will ALWAYS be this way.
No one should even post this subject anymore because there's not point in discussing it.
And, finally: Once (if?) you get married, YOU WILL BUY A CAR because a FAMILY needs one. Your WIFE will demand it. You try to tell her "we'll just take the bus" or "we'll all ride bikes everywhere", she will look at you like you're JOKING.
Time to grow up, kids. Unless you plan on being poor your whole life, public transit is not in your future, it will always be for the margins of society.
THE ONE EXCEPTION TO THIS: Major metropolis like NYC, where only the 1% can afford to own a car (mainly because of PARKING COSTS). But that's an OUTLIER.