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fuck cars

No.1188605 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
They're expensive. They take too much space. Parking areas are ugly and are everywhere. Accommodating cars make for bad urban planning. Cars are bad daily drivers. It's much more efficient to move on bicycle or in public transportation. You save yourself and the society money by doing so. You could fit 8 people on bicycles in the space that one SUV takes. Traffic jams wouldn't happen if people would use bikes instead. It would also make people healthier by giving them daily cardio. Population would move more efficiently within cities if car infrastructure would be re-purposed to public transportation and other uses. As a personal example, I could shorten my bicycle path to work by half if I could use a bridge that is reserved for cars only. That bridge is always stuck in traffic and is incredibly inefficient.

I know this isn't really controversial on /n/ but my posts got deleted on /o/ and /g/. I guess echo chambers must be enforced.