>>1197200In Japan all society is moving in Japanese, and the railway is no exception.
Recently, automatic announcement in English was introduced at some stations, but it is still not enough.
However, moving in Japan is much easier if you learn simple Japanese of a few words.
I will write down Japanese to remember here. please refer.
・すいません(Suimasen=Excuse me)
・XXへ行きたいのですが(XX e ikitai no desu ga=I want go to XX)
・どう行けばいいですか?(dou ikeba ii desu ka?=How do I go?)
・XXをしたいのですが(XX o shitai no desu ga=I want doing XX)
・どうすればいいですか?(dou sureba ii desu ka?=What should I do?)
・ありがとうございます(Arigato gozaimasu=thank you)
The words I write from now are enough if you can hear it.
・この電車は(ZZ線直通)YY、XX行きです(kono densha wa (ZZ sen choku tsu)YY XX iki desu=This train is (Direct operation to ZZ line), (Train type YY)bound for XX)
・只今(現在)AAのためZZ線は(全線/XX-XX間)で運転を見合わせています(Tadaima(or Genzai) AA no ta me ZZ sen wa(Zensen/XX XX kan)de unten o miawase te imasu=Currently, ZZ Line stops driving on (all lines/between XX and XX) due to AA)
If you remember this, you are OK.
Then the display board etc. will guide you.
If there is something you do not understand it will answer to ask the nearby person.