>>1209525Do you think I'm some inexperienced kid, still living at home with mom and dad, who knows nothing about the world and taking care of myself? I've been living on my own for literally decades and have owned lots of vehicles of all kinds. In 2018, $5000 might, if you're a thrifty car shopper, get you a halfway decent used vehicle from a private party, but it'll have lots of miles on it (likely over 100,000), will be at least 10 years old, and will show signs of wear all over it, likely need a bit of repair and update work done to it before you start driving it full time. Saying you can buy 'several' cars for $5000 is bullshit, what you'd get would be a bunch of completely worn-out throw-away beaters that would constantly require repair, engine so worn it's burning oil and needs it added constantly, threadbare interior, maybe body damage, etc.
Clearly you've never owned cars -- or are so poor yourself that you've never had access to anything *other than* a complete beater.
>bikes can completely replace cars!That's the recurring theme of /n/, and it's utter and complete bullshit, too, Just Another Meme.
Read this:
>>1209522 it explains who a $5000 bike is and is not for.
>>1209527>not living in realityYou're young and unmarried, I can tell.
You get married? You'll have a car.
You get kids? You'll *definitely* have a car. Maybe more than one. You can't avoid it. Don't even bother contradicting me, you clearly don't have the perspective to do so with any credibility.