>>1223035That's a pretty sexy helmet for the 80s.
>>1223989>>1223984You say faggot but what you should be saying is nerdy-dad/10.
Dubya was an idiot who raised two drunken whores who can barely keep their legs closed and hands out of cuffs and Obama is a law professor raising well-adjusted academically successful young ladies. It's the reason why one of them looks like a good ol' boy and the other looks like dad-core, it's literally their personalities.
>>1227294>I bet all the politicians are Freds!Australian politicians wouldn't be caught dead on a bicycle, as a rule. Abbot was an exception, literally his only good quality was his serious commitment to fitness, it didn't mean that he actually was in favour of a decent health system or anything but he backed sports at all levels. Shame he never bothered pulling his party into line over hating cycling, they still go for easy votes by telling drivers they'll close the bike lanes and turn them into more car lanes, close the bike paths and make car parks.
>>1230768>>1230769Why the fuck have they swapped their bottom halves?
He's wearing the other guy's socks and pants from the first pic
>>1235798>She's always so plain in moviesKiss Kiss Bang Bang would beg to differ.