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Why Carbon Fiber Bikes Are Failing

No.1224518 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
> The high-tech material has been used to build frames and components for decades, but as bikes age, catastrophic failures are leading to lawsuits

Kowal bought a new-to-her 2007 Giant OCR C1 road bike for the event and, to be cautious, took it to her local bike shop for a full-service tune-up.

Not long into the ride, however, Kowal’s bike shattered beneath her. For no apparent reason—she’d neither hit an obstacle nor encountered a pothole—the front fork snapped in half as if it had exploded from within. Kowal was sent crashing into the pavement, helmet first. She fractured her spine and clavicle, suffered a concussion, and tore ligaments in her left thumb.

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