Here's the crosscheck I've been daily commuting and regularly touring on for about 7 years, I've replaced every drivetrain bit and a few wheels over the years but the cockpit and general layout haven't changed.
I've got a bunch of parts to throw at it, so it's about to turn into a 1x11 basket bike with a more upright sitting position for city riding.
>>1230143 #Nice, no bike thief is going to look twice at that it but its functional and has a certain aesthetic
>>1230754 #15 year old bike and you still have reflectors on the wheels?!
>>1230779 #If I only had one bike it would look something like this
>>1230105 #Boomer is ok but trips come and go - I'll notice if he's still around in a year
>>1230821 #>>1230825 #Sick build, you really brought second life to that frame