>>1231723Meh the bike 3.5/10
>>1231735Comfy, nice rack 5/10
>>1231740Muh rigid meme 4/10
>>1231741Decent 4.9/10
>>1231792Your bottles do not match, also your bar tape is atrocious. 4/10
>>1231808Not bad for $20 us 6/10
>>1231858Not a fan of the colors , looks like a fun bike tho. 5/10
>>1231859Comfy bike packing rig. Do you have any more good pics? 8/10
>>1231885Unremarkable but functional. 4.6/10
>>1232028Toss it in the rubbish bin 2/10
>>1232104Now this is a real bike 9.2/10
>>1232179Decent meme machine 7.5/10
>>1232185Learn how to take a picture. 3/10
>>12321886/10 Comfy commuter bike
>>1232219Vintage trek, nice!!! 6.5/10
>>1232221Not bad for a fred sled 7.1/10
>>1232283Respectable baby fred sled 6/10
>>1232402Nice ghost bike. 5/10
>>1232698How do you like it? I though about getting a mtb bike. 6.7/10
>>1232768Very functional and comfy 7/10
>>1232774C O M F Y F A G S /10 (I like it)
>>1232829Not bad for a shit bike. 3.5/10
>>1232858One question, why? 5/10
>>1233018Looks pretty good for a cheap no name frame. 6/10
>>1233043Hmmmm what third world shit hole are you from anon?/10
>>1233059Freddy cant handle a little heat lol.
>>1233079Whats with the nigger tier crank set? Also those light balls are gay 0/10
>>1233085That's one clean frame, how bad is the pricing? 5.6/10
>>1233215G O L D M E M B E R /10 (Get some gold fenders)
>>1233561Decent, how are the shimano wheels? 7/10
>>1233568Garage bike /10
>>1233678Not my style but I like it 6/10
>>1233731N I C E B I K E. 7.9/10
>>1233861Burn it.
>>1234129Chad is that you?
>>1234864A E S T H E T I C /10 what do you shoot on?
>>1235259Decent 6/10
>>1235465No one cares about your mediocre bikes you fucking attention whore . Kys.