Good bait, this is literally the law in the netherlands, where this picture was taken. These scooters can only go 25 kilometers an hour and dont need helmets and such. For reference, our electric bikes give power until like 29. The full scooters that can go 45 need a helmet and in the city its 95% on the roads but on bigger bike lanes that are around 3~ meters wide at least. This "geef ons fietspad terug" (give us back our bike lane) is pure cancer, in the capital of the netherlands, amsterdam, it is the ruled that all 25 and 45 scooter have to go on the normal road with cars, but those cars usually go around 60-70 where 50 is allowed, and there are very little overtaking spots so this rule is completely mental. They should do something about all these old people on electric bikes blasting through everywhere and hitting cars, but oh no, bikes are sacred, if you as a car were to hit a bike, doesnt matter if its your fault or not, you are going to pay. You have to pay.