>>1250617>. You are just virtue signalling.Nah, just responding to your weak argument. Cameras or no, someone with a tv not in the original box etc will attract unwanted attention that can be completely avoided by using a car. I say this as a (white) guy who used to commit a fair amount of crime as a youth, including a B&E (in a car.) Anyone who home invades will use a car, it's just a really obvious strategy even to the dumbest criminals.
Racism is just regressive tribalism. Easier than thinking. The universal predictor for crime in any society is poverty. Ignorant niggers are ghettoized blacks, but ghettos are not created by their
residents. The white majority herded blacks into certain
neighborhoods by law, or by simply not selling them any housin in good neighborhoods.
Then they have the worst tax base, so the worst schools, infra, housing, and transit=poor=crime. Then holier-than-thou you gets to
say "they're beyond help. Must flee!" and the city falls apart, just like it did in the 70s and continuing.