>>1273046You really shouldn't be. The growth is continuing and there are still no restrictions on development. The entire place will be a sprawl of housing developments, giant long roads of nothingness and traffic, and random office towers dotting the landscape haphazardly, and it will be a smear of that type of shit from Fort Collins down to Colorado Springs, from the base of the mountains out into the plains, and the entire thing will be in constant traffic gridlock from 5 AM to 10 PM.
I vividly remember this one time, 40 degrees, pouring rain, I didn't have an umbrella, standing outside at the bus stop for 70 minutes, waiting for an every-30-minute bus, while hobos were running amok around me and having schizophrenic trips falling down in the street.
If RTD wants to stay in business I suggest they cater to the customers who actually pay and stop screwing US over so some hobos can get to the mission without having to walk 6 blocks. MY fares get jacked up to subsidize even MORE hobos to shit the place up.
This place is going california route very, very quickly.