>>1292377>threads full of people sperging about how public transportation is commieNo, you misunderstand.
There a threads posted by the FRINGIES that infest /n/, who want to destroy all cars and motor transport other than buses and trains, forcing everyone into a Dark Age where you aren't allowed to own your own transportation anymore unless it's a bike. Never mind if you're a disabled senior citizen or have a 104 degree fever or are critically injured or pregnant, that's too bad so long as their autistic carless future happens.
Meanwhile the rest of us who are not Fringies and don't use Fringie words like 'cager' own both cars and bikes, are avid cyclists, and think buses and trains are fine -- for The Working Poor, which is who buses and trains exist for. When they can afford a car, they buy a car, because it's the natural order of things for people to want personal transportation -- unless you're one of these Fringies, who for whatever pathological reason can't accept common reality.
Now you're up to speed, OP. Aren't you so glad you came back here?
Maybe you were better off not coming back?