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No.1304244 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I missed when people mostly posted trains and the occasional bike thread here. Now it's usually some folks acting like they understand urban planning when they really, really don't. You understand what LOOKS right and what ideally something should be. "That looks sustainable, that doesn't." If only it were so cut and dry. I don't care about cagie arguments because as it is right now in the U.S., we are still in the primacy of using the automobile and we have handicapped ourselves with the already existing infrastructure we have for it. For the time being, we need cars until we reach a point where densities are actually reasonable for some form of rapid transit. Until then we can always create new bikes lanes and walking paths, but we are decades off. Speaking your grievances on here is fine but making them out to be the enemy here doesn't benefit either party. Kindness begets kindness, and it helps a lot more than griping about it.