>>1310204Maybe if you and your little faggot friends would stop hating on people driving cars and accept the reality that MOST PEOPLE like and want CARS and that using stupid-ass words like 'cage' and 'cager' around here then maybe I and others wouldn't have spent so much time and effort fucking with you all just to make your lives miserable.
Then there's the faggots who are here on /n/ but hate on bicycles, and won't stay the fuck out of bike threads, report bike threads, and so on.
If you're upset about our 'behavior' then blame yourselves. You talk about 'dissenting opinons being okay' but when someone disagrees with you, you go all-out on reporting posts and threads and get people banned. You come into threads you have no business being in and whine and complain about the content because it doesn't suit *you* faggots, even though you can easily hide and therefore ignore threads you don't like. We complain about *that* behavior and *we* get ignored. So fuck you, all of you, if you were made miserable then *IT IS YOUR OWN FAULT*.
Now go be spoiled little autist Fringies and report this comment, get me b&, then go fap to bus porn or whatever the fuck you faggots do.
Remember one thing though: you can't get rid of me. Since the abusers who made some of us miserable with your behavior don't ever seem to go away it's only fair that *we* never go away either. You made your own Hell, now live in it.