>>1317388>you could probably have high speed rail along the coasts of the usaCoasts is a meme.
You might make it work in California (failed for the time being), but not anywhere else.
Running a line up to Seattle is only possible insofar as you consider the West Coast a contiguous place. It is 100% not. Portland is too small to matter, and you can't go to Canada easily on rail (look at the mess taking Amtrak to Toronto from NYC).
Ill minded libs and West Coast Cucs like to trot out this this idea of a West Coast HSR network, but the truth is that connecting the West Coast on HSR is about as feasible as connecting Washington DC to Miami. The distance is too huge.
You will see HSR in the Chicago spoke area decades before the West Coast has anything of substance. The lack of existing infrastructure and huge distances just make it too impractical.
Keep up the pipe dreams, though, we know you drug addicts are good for it!