>>1324635You fucking CFI's are absolutely fucking hopeless, I've seen students cancel flights because it's too windy or the cloud is 3000ft AGL. I even saw an instructor cancel fucking circuits because of storms over 30nm away!
The fact is all your bullshit mnemonics and memes do is create a culture where people call up cancel because "I don't feel prepared today" or "I don't feel 100%" or the weather isn't something they've experienced before because all they've experienced is CAVOK days.
Then after the students get their bars and I have to get them ready for line check at a real job they need to be taught everything. You can bet they don't cancel flights because "I didn't get much sleep", the students who behave like that never make it into a job, but they're still useless.
They can't go from office to runway within 30 minutes. They can't do paperwork in the plane to achieve 5 minute turn around times. They lose all decision making capacity 3 sectors in to a 10 sector day. The fact is you guys should be teaching people how to actually do what is required of the job of flying aircraft and instead you train them to jump through the useless hoops you've made up.
>>1324713Experienced CFI's are good and you're lucky to stick with the same guy, but a little too much experience and they can go a bit funny. I know some that stubbornly insist on pouring the entire fuel drain on the tyre or keeping the manifold pressure below the RPM. I found I could get my instructors out in weather they wouldn't normally want to go out in by coming in early and coming up with pretty detailed plan regarding alternates and holding fuel. If you come to them with a detailed briefing and behave like you're about to depart they might just go along with it. Work out a timeline and do your best to stick to it.