>>1330362Yes. It also blocks the sun from giving me skin cancer because the visor is polycarbonate. Only issue is it fogs up in the winter if I don't do anything about it, because of how the vents don't really work at bicycle speeds with heavy breathing. Better than getting a face full of curb or window though.
>>1330391The only people required to wear helmets here are children and even then few kids do. Bike sellers are required to offer them. They block you from getting slashed up by road rash, glass bits, and other sharp things, particularly an issue for MTBers which is why you always see them with at least some kind of helmet. BMX is supposed to use different helmets as well. Racing cyclists are such a small % of the biking population that you might be right in the helmet being a meme for them, save for the ridiculous amount of engineering that goes into a helmet to make it better than being a bald pinhead (See: velomobiles if you don't get the concept.)
Regular bike helmets are mostly a meme though for most people. You're not racing with the $$$ ones, the coverage only protects only a few types of falling, none of your face, they have holes for sticks and glass to jam through, and worst of all they look stupid.