You can also just loosely roll or wad up some soft kleenex to mitigate the wind, similar to how pop filters on microphones work.
inb4 earplugs.
good for blocking med and high frequencies, but earplugs create a sealed pocket of air between the plug and the eardrum, which pressurizes with even the tiniest bumps on the road causing a booming rumbling bass sensation toward the weakest part of the enclosed space, which is the eardrum. You can also hear this when walking with earplugs, though less pronounced. Without an earplug the ear canal is open to stretch and compress freely around the drum, mitigating this noise outwardly into the air.
and if youre riding in public, you need to be able to hear the deathcages etc as they approach you. soft kleenex allows this.
t. tinnitus and hyperacusis bro here who cant ride as much as he wants to anymore