[50 / 6 / ?]
Just a reminder that going to an airport isn't a fucking fashion show. Literally nobody cares that you are riding on the flying city bus. Nobody is in awe over your overly fitted suit or overpriced outdoorsy meme clothing. Additionally please stop standing in front of the already crowded bathroom sinks for 10 goddamn minutes staring at yourself and peeking through the gaping stall vracks behind you (i am trying to shit in peace). If you were actually sombody who travels frequently you you wouldn't do any of this shit, nobody thinks you look wordly or professional because of it. Also that $700.00 leather/tweed luggage set you have is going to look like chewed up catshit after about 4 trips tops, dumbass.
>inb4 seething
Damn right i am.
Also your wireframe glasses look dumb as hell.
>inb4 seething
Damn right i am.
Also your wireframe glasses look dumb as hell.