>>1347486People like you should just stay in your houses, with all sharp corners rounded off and padded, surrounded by nothing but soft spongy things, and sit still or move very, very slowly, never leave your house, have all your food and everything else delivered ("just leave it at the door and go away!") because YOU CLEARLY AND OBJECTIVELY CAN'T HANDLE ANY RISK WHATSOEVER AND SHIT YOURSELF AT THE MERE THOUGHT OF ANYTHING EVEN REMOTELY DANGEROUS HAPPENING TO YOU.
Better sterilize your environment, Anon, or all those millions of DUST MITES that eat your dead skin cells might turn on you and start eating (You) instead!
Or better yet you should live in a bunker 1 mile underground *just in case* a meteor happens to hit the Earth near you, you might bump and elbow or something!
How the actual fuck do people like you even live day-to-day without constantly shitting yourselves in abject fear?
FACT: Every moment you live, there is RISK of something bad happening to you. YOU CANNOT AVOID IT.
Meanwhile: YOU REFUSE TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR OWN GODS-BE-DAMNED SAFETY. What makes you think that it's everyone ELSE'S responsibillity to make you safe and secure? IT IS NOT, unless you are a small underage child, in which case it's your PARENTS' repsonsibility to ensure your safety -- but past the age of, say, 15 years? (YOU) are more and more responsible for keeping yourself out of trouble.
>B-b-b-but the EVIL CAGERS!!!!11!!GROW UP. You're EXAGGERATING things by about a factor of a million.
>SOME drivers are bad, therefore ALL drivers are bad! >We NEED to BAN ALL CARS immediately!Do you have any idea how stupid that sounds?
>SOME animals are bad, therefore ALL animals are bad!>We NEED to BAN ALL ANIMALS immediately!Do you begin to see how dumb that kind of thinking is?
>SOME humans are BAD therefore ALL humans are bad!>We need to LOCK UP ALL HUMANS immediately!Still not getting it?
>"""ALL OR NOTHING""" thinkingTHAT is what you're engaging in.