>>1347792>tfw american>if the road is 3 lanes each way and they need to close the sidewalk for construction to a building, they keep the lanes for cars and tell peds to get fuckedon my street there are 4 places in a 1 mile stretch the sidewalk is just randomly closed and i have to walk a block around it. it's all so tiresome. almost got hit by a car the other day trying to walk around it... there's NO PLACE to cross the road when they decide to close the sidewalk. as a ped you'd have to walk back to the last lighted intersection that actually has a ped light (which is about 1 in 4 streets) to cross. So a sidewalk closure adds an entire mile to your walk. they don't care. every carlane will stay open for cars even if the street could be condensed into 2 lanes easily without causign a jam. because cars run the shit here.
i can't count how many times they have left signage in the middle of a sidewalk making it impassable, or the sidewalk is in such disrepair that entire sheets are lifted causing a 6 inch gap, or it's crumbling to dust. this is in a major city, not booneville nowhere. a lot of roads don't even HAVE sidewalks. when they do, they're just gabage dumps for hobos and cagers to smash glass bottles on. it's all so tiresome.
this one place on my street was an empty business...somehow they dragged a carstop cement barrier across the sidewalk where the rusting rebar(?) was stabbing out. absolute biohazard. it was like that for 8 months. they also enjoy putting giant construction signs on the corner in front of bus stops, so the coming bus can't see if there are passengers at the stop. i hate this country so much i can't describe my burning rage.