>>1351843What you smoking? Everyone - from people on social assistance to folks making 200k+ take public transit in the major (above 1m people) cities.
Also house painters are probably the least likely to take public transportation since they need to take ladders, paint, etc to do their job.
You sound like someone who has never taken the bus or live in some shit small town that has like 3 buses than run twice a day. Buses aren't spotless but I have never worried about sitting down. Most people in my city don't eat on the bus actually which is nice.
>>1351788Well the dumb thing is they don't actually make it easier for the buses. They really need more rail, either Subway or light rail, lower the price of transit so it makes sense for drivers in the burbs to drive to a major transit station (with sufficient parking) and take rail into the core.
>>1351730Well it's not even that people don't want to pay for transit it's when we do it's a big fuckup, after years of planning they somehow manage to deliver over budget and very late. Then it's of questionable use (wait for phase 2!!!) And transit prices go up yet again.
We really should bring the Chinese in. They manage to build far more ambitious, complicated (dealing with heritage sites) transit ways but manage to do it on time and significantly cheaper per km. - and it's not just lower wages they just don't dig up the street and repave 4 times and have corruption in the bidding process.