>Doing a bikepacking-trip.
>Goin complete nuts, crossimg the Alps in 2 days, after 5 days done around 600 km.
>At the end of a 120km trip, got stung by something.
>Suddenly feel dizzy.
>Use my adrenaline injector for the first time ever, thinking it was a wasp.
>Rush to the next hospital, whole body is shaking.
>At hospital cant even hold my IDcard anymore.
>Get to the ER. Docs dont know what stung me. Cant even understand them completly, since im in a italian hospital
<Dont know if it was just the adrenaline, or a allergic shock or a combination of both.
>Get released after 2 hrs
>Next day drove from 7am to 11pm with just one stop.
Those were the times..