>>1368350americans don't care about anyone else's life, they don't even care about their own life. their daily life of wagecucking and eating shitty fast food, being trapped in a series of boxes (from mcmansion to cage to cubicle and back) and both them and their spouse being miserable ugly unfuckable obese hunks of lard with an IQ of a combined 145, they're all but actively suicidal. You can see this in the way they pilot their cages at 15 mph over the speedlimit, swerving in and out of traffic to gain a few yards only to lose it at the next redlight, how they give zero fucks about their life, family, finances, community, or body. nothing will change. we can pave the streets in dead children and the amerifat swine will not even blink. a nation of psychopaths, drugged up on an untested cocktail their shrink said would cure the hole in their soul where a fulfilling life should be. instead of fixing anything, they pop a pill and turn on the television.
>>1368359there's a mix both of people who watch the opposing light and gun it as soon as it turns red, before their own light is even green, AND drivers who blast through late-late-late-late yellows that turn red. you can't imagine the number of accidents this makes. do they care? their own life isn't worth waiting a few seconds to save.
i don't care if cagers kill each other but we need to put cageways underground or build ped bridges so they don't get anywhere near the rest of us. give them the middle of the country and ban all cages from the coasts, watch the problem solve itself in a few years. ah, but wait, they might not die in a cage wreck, they may only be crippled for life and live every single day in agony hopped up on quintuple strength painkillers that lose effectiveness day by day.
all because they're in just such a damn rush to get back home to that iPad and their twitter feed.