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What's your bike story?

No.1368990 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'll start:
- kiddies pink unicorn bike
>rusted in the box but I still bombed mountain paths on it and broke my leg
- Raleigh coaster brake bike
>cushy and very fun as kid, thought I was baller despite being a few decades late to the trend. Kept until I was too big to pedal properly
- cherry red Probike mtb $150
>faithful hunk of steel. Didnt learn anything about bikes while I owned it, rusted to shit, inflated dead inner tubes twice a day because I never knew you could replace them. Probably destroyed the rims riding flats. Weighed a tonne, but got me strong, nicknamed "the wheel of pain"
- 90s rigid mtb, free
>Someone left this on a quiet road with a 'free to a good home' sign. Converted to fixie despite living in very hilly area, probably destroyed knee cartilage but learned bike mechanic skills (after hacksawing off V brake mounts and wirebrushing off the lacquer paint to "lighten" it, local mechanics called it a Frankenstein to my chagrin). Had my raw steel steed throughout my teens and into 20s, kept running like a charm. Comfiest bike I've ever ridden. Rest in pieces (crashed it and bent frame tubes and rims)
- Giant TCR carbon advance 3 $350
>Jittery, lots of road feel. Tricked it out with chinese carbon and titanium bling and a rock solid carbon saddle that left my sitbones without feeling for days. Fucking fast, first skinny tires, realised I didnt know shit about riding, learned fast as its second outing was an 800 mile bikepacking trip. sold it a few months after as I was constantly stressing about it getting nicked
- titanium brompton
>building right now after borrowing friends' brommie and falling in love with its ride and the concept. knockoff Chinese titanium frame, carbon wheels, disc brake, 6 speed cassette etc. I intend to keep this bike for the next 2 decades, maybe get a mtb for gnarly stuff.

Haven't spent much up til the brommie but I've been riding consistently my whole 24 years.
Tell us about yours